Massachusetts Slammed with Tax Hikes for RomneyCare, So Will Go the Nation

“The health reform that Mitt Romney passed in 2006 in Massachusetts… [is] showing what we can expect nationwide…”

“…the second-term Democrat [Governor Deval Patrick]… proposed an increase in the state’s single-rate income tax to 6.25% from 5.25%…”

“Mr. Patrick … would also eliminate 45 income-tax deductions … This is the left’s idea for tax reform: raise rates and limit deductions…”


“Business taxes would also rise… and Bay State residents would pay higher gas taxes, turnpike tolls and car taxes…”

“…the state’s real spending driver is the exploding cost of RomneyCare…”

“…Health care… has climbed to 41% for 2013.  On current trend it will roll past 50% around 2020… In real terms the state’s annual health-care budget is 15% larger than it was in 2007, while transportation has plunged by 22%, public safety by 17% and education by 7%…”


“The lesson for voters is that universal health care is going to have universally large costs…”

January 23, 2013

The RomneyCare Bill Comes Due


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