Hospitals Serving the Poor More Likely to Suffer Readmission Penalties

“As of Monday, [Oct 1, 2012] Medicare will start fining hospitals that have too many patients readmitted within 30 days of discharge due to complications.”

“About two-thirds of the hospitals serving Medicare patients, or some 2,200 facilities, will be hit with penalties averaging around $125,000 per facility this coming year. …”

“…industry officials say they have misgivings about being held liable for circumstances beyond their control.  They also complain that facilities serving low-income people, including many major teaching hospitals, are much more likely to be fined, raising questions of fairness.”

“MedPAC, the congressional advisory group, has produced research findings that back up the industry’s assertion that hospitals serving the poor, including major teaching facilities, are more likely to face penalties.”

Medicare Fines Coming Over Readmitted Patients
September 30, 2012 (AP)

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