Comment: This is from Glenn Beck’s interview of John Mackey, co-CEO of Whole Foods and author of Conscious Capitalism. Mackey’s book highlights how conscious capitalists have been and are still helping the population live longer and healthier lives.
GLENN BECK: “I refuse to dump my employees into government healthcare because it stinks…. [D]o you know anything on the horizon that is good for healthcare that is reasonable.”
JOHN MACKEY (Whole Foods co-CEO): “Whole Foods is going to do [an] experiment. We’re going to open a doctor’s office in L.A. that will be free for all of our team members and their dependants (sic).… And if that works, we’re going to spread it to other cities around the country, where we have our stores…. [W]e believe that 80% of what we spend on healthcare in America are for diseases like heart disease and stroke and obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune diseases, and they really correlate very closely with what people eat, and the type of lifestyle we live. So the best way we can cut healthcare costs and help our people to be healthier is to help educate them and teach them. We can’t force them, and we don’t want to force them. But we want to help educate them to eat healthier, and have a healthier lifestyle. We think that will be beneficial to people’s health, and cut down on healthcare expenses so it’s a win win. We think we need to do that best with doctors. With doctors that people trust and they know, and will tend to all of their medical needs while we’re trying to educate them. We’re going to do that experiment. I’m pretty excited about it. We’ve got our office located. We’ve hired our doctor. We’ll be getting going on that in a month or two.”