Obamacare Hurts the Young, Low-Skilled, Spouses, and Children

Comment: “If you like your plan you can keep it”????? Again proven to be a  sham. Families, young, and lower-paid employees are losing their insurance and even their jobs under Obamacare.

“Obamacare will hurt young, low-skill workers the most, according to Diana Furchtgott-Roth, a witness during the House Energy & Commerce Committee hearing on “Obamacare’s Impact on Jobs” on Wednesday. Furchtgott-Roth, who is the former chief economist of U.S. Department of Labor, insisted during the hearing that “the cost of health care is going to rise” under the Affordable Care Act. “Young, low-skill workers — these are the people who are hurt…the people paying student loans,” she said.

“Furchtgott-Roth explained,”This penalty raises significantly the cost of employing full-time workers, especially low-skill workers, because the penalty is a higher proportion of their compensation than for high-skill workers, and employers cannot take the penalty out of employee compensation packages.” She asserted that the bill gives employers an incentive to hire high-skill workers, because the employer can take the cost out of the employees’ wages. But this won’t work for full-time, low-skill workers who don’t make enough to cover the cost, forcing employers to hire part-time workers instead.

“Furchtgott-Roth also pointed out that if an employer is required to provide a plan that only covers a single person, the employee is forced to accept the plan. What this means is if the employee has a family, the spouse and children will not receive subsidies under the plan, but the employee still must accept it no matter what. According to Furchtgott-Roth, children will actually lose healthcare under the ACA. “That is a big deal,” Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) said during the hearing. “We would be screaming off the mountaintops if that happened under a Republican administration.””

Obamacare will hurt young, low-skill workers the most, according to former chief economist of U.S. Department of Labor
By Laura Byrne/March 13, 2013



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