Warm & Fuzzy CO-OPs Cost More

Comment: Obamacare provided for CO-OPs because the ‘evil insurance companies’ were supposedly charging too much. Another lie from the bunch that brought you the lie of the century – “you can keep your plan.”

“[T]he new Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans (CO-OPs) on the insurance exchanges are generally higher priced than those offered by more experienced health plans across all tiers (except platinum),[...] CO-OP premiums are 19% higher than non-CO-OP premiums at the catastrophic tier level nationally. On average, CO-OP premiums are higher than their competitors’ by 4% for bronze plans, 6% for silver plans and 3% for gold plans.”

Study: CO-OPs have higher premiums, membership challenges on exchanges
By IFAwebnews Staff
November 8, 2013

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