As a consequence of Obamacare, states have announced they’ll be making much greater use of rules (Medicaid Estate Recovery Program, aka ‘MERP’) allowing them to recover the cost of Medicaid patients’ care (including services, prescriptions, and hospitalizations) from their estates. Real property and other assets of the estate may be subject to claims by the states.
Few people have a problem with states recovering costs from the estates of people who applied for and got help that they could (and should) have paid for themselves.That’s fair. Why should the rest of the society have to pay for the heirs’ inheritance? But now, however, under Obamacare, people will be signed up on Medicaid against their will.[1] If (or a state exchange) decides you’re eligible for Medicaid, it signs you up whether you want it or not. (The ACA requires it, section 1311.)
So, millions will wind up on a program they never asked for, “given” pseudo “services” (including “lactation services”) at prices they neither knew, nor ever agreed to. One could easily see having a stroke, getting outrageously overcharged–for all sorts of unwanted procedures–and then, adding injury to tragedy, the Borg assimilates your estate after you’re gone. All for something you never wanted or agreed to.
Not only can you not keep your doctor or your plan; you can’t keep your estate either.
[1] e.g. Obamacare website forces multi-millionaire into Medcaid