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#Obamacare’s hit on GDP hurts rank and file workers
IBD has documented list of 429 employers cutting hours b/c of #Obamacare
#ACA one reason why visiting nurse service in New York cut 775 jobs
Idaho restaurateur puts raises and expansion plans on hold b/c of #ACA
Hidden costs of #Obamacare – co-pays, deductibles – driving people to ERs.
#ACA’s removal of limits on drug reimbursements might bankrupt #union health plans.
Univ of SCar hikes tuition to pay for #Obamacare
#Obamacare regulations raising cost of healthcare. (Who knew that controlling the people could be so expensive?)
‘Medical homelessness’ describes people who can’t find doc b/c of #Obamacare
#ACA full of implicit taxes that discourage work (and no, that’s NOT a good thing)