Study: Medicaid Expansion Has Increased ER Use

Comment: A major selling point of Obamacare was that it would save money by reducing ER use. You’ll be shocked to learn that fairy-tale wasn’t true. People with coverage use the emergency room MORE, not less.  The premise was always a falsity; now it’s proven.

“Looking at the broad sample of 25 states, the study found that the average number of ER visits in states that expanded Medicaid increased by 5.6 percent, when the second three months of this year were compared with the same period in 2013. That increase was more than three times bigger than experienced by hospitals in states that did not expand.

Here’s a revealing quote from Obamacare’s Department of Lying, er, Health and Human Services:

” “Unnecessary use of the ER increases costs and leads to lower quality care,” Aaron Albright, a spokesman for the federal Department of Health and Human Services, said in a statement. ”

The inescapable conclusion: Obamacare has increased costs and led to lower quality care.

Study: Rise in ER visits after Medicaid expansion
AP News | Sep 08, 2014

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