Obamacare Consumers–Did You Read the Fine Print?

Comment: Here’s the Obamacare shell game–the administration advertises an attractive premium to make consumers think they’re getting a good deal, then hides the deductible, network limits, prescription restrictions, and co-pays in the fine print.  The net, calculated result is that Obamacare charges you more, and covers less than you think. Caveat emptor, caveat regis.

Consumers also benefit from a provision of the Affordable Care Act that limits out-of-pocket costs, which include deductibles. The limit this year is $6,350 for an individual and $12,700 for a family plan. But in general, the limits apply only to care provided by doctors and hospitals in a plan’s network and do not cap charges for out-of-network care.”

“Dr. Rebecca Love, of Moab, Utah, is well on her way to passing that limit. Dr. Love, 63, who has degenerative arthritis and a host of other health problems, pays $422 a month in premiums for a plan that has a deductible of $6,000. But she has already paid more than $6,000 in medical costs this year that did not count toward her deductible because the doctors and hospitals — more than 100 miles away in Grand Junction, Colo. — were not in her network. (all emphasis added)

Unable to Meet the Deductible or the Doctor

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