2nd Largest OGruberCare Co-Op Co-Flops

Comment: The de-evolution of American health care will not be televised.

“It was a heck of a Christmas for David Fairchild and his wife, Clara Peterson. They found out they were about to lose their new health insurance.”

[...] “But the co-op’s failure in Iowa has left David Fairchild and Clara Peterson scratching their heads.”

““I mean the whole Affordable Care Act is [about] competition between insurance companies, and now we’re back down to what?” says Peterson.”

“For them, only one option: Coventry. They’ve already applied through healthcare.gov and now they’re now waiting for approval for a plan that will cover a lot less of Fairchild’s medicine expenses.

Nation’s second-largest Obamacare co-op fails in Iowa
By Clay Masters,   Posted: January 19, 2015

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