Co-Ops Flop-Out

Comment: Like all things Obamacare, co-ops–one of Obamacare’s taxpayer-supported brainchilds–are in tatters around the country, and Kentucky is home to the worst.

“KENTUCKY (8/8/15) — A federal audit of the non-profit health insurance companies formed under federal health reform found that at the end of 2014, all but one were operating at a loss, and the Kentucky Health Cooperative had the greatest loss, $50.4 million, but the lowest administrative costs.”

And why do they say they lost money?  Because they had too many customers!!!!  (If the federal government took over the Sahara Desert, in two weeks they’d run out of sand!) (With apologies to the late Milton Friedman)

“The co-op chair and spokeswoman blamed the loss on an enrollment that was 183 percent higher than expected in 2014, its first year of operation. As of Dec. 31, its enrollment was 56,680; it had projected to enroll 30,929 by that date. The co-op sold three-fourths of the federally subsidized insurance policies sold on Kynect, the state health-insurance exchange.”

Enjoy the schadenfreude, you’re paying for it!

“The Kentucky Health Cooperative has received $146,494,772 in federal funding. It received its last installment of $65 million November 2014 to keep it afloat just days before the second open-enrollment period began.”

Kentucky Health Insurance Co-op Lost $50.4 Million, Most in U.S.
08 August 2015 SurfKY News

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