The Obamacare Resistance Movement Is Alive (and Growing)

Most Americans Are Opting Out of Obamacare’s Over-Priced Steaming Pile of Mandatory Compliances

OCTS Commentary

Lo, and Nov. 1, 2015, opening the third season of openly mandatory health-enslavement did loom, and the People’s new Masters saw it was good. But the many functionaries, egg-heads, sycophants, and masters-mind were puzzled: The People weren’t signing up. And this was a mystery, because, although none of the Masters had tasted of it themselves, their many wise men and Grubers alike had assured them that this was the best-tasting mass-produced dog-food ever, that it was light, lower-calorie and less-filling, with a minty flavor.

No, instead, 60% of The People who were commanded with nasty IRS mandates to overpay for the Masters’ masterfully over-priced welfare program–to fund the new free-riding built into Gruber’s Delight–didn’t.

Instead, Obamacare found that, to meet its original projections, it would have to DOUBLE its enrollment by 2016. But, alas, enrollment was flat.

Much to its shock, chagrin, and surprise, Obamacarrion discovered the American people are not stupid. The People who got it free signed up, and The People Who Were Supposed to Overpay, opted out. Whoddathunkit?

And, even as the Most Transparent Administration Evah strove to pay insurance companies yet another $175 billion dollars under the table to hide the actual cost of their new delicious pet-food recipe, the Reamium Increases everyone feared continued unabated, and a free, thinking People realized they’d far rather pay Obam-no-care’s puny new Liberty Tax, save themselves a fortune, and stay free.

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