Legally Avoiding Obamacare’s Penalty

October 7, 2015     OCTS original reporting


Comment: Obamacare is tyrannical. Red-blooded Americans are fighting back, and by fighting back they’re saving money, and helping make sure Obamacancer doesn’t spread.  You can too.  Here’s one set of possibilities.

About 60% of the people whose souls Obamacare wants to sell in its Health Slave-Markets, have opted out.  Many of them–such as internet news mogul Matt Drudge–have paid Obamacare’s puny tax, with Drudge proudly dubbing it his “Liberty Tax.”

The Liberty Tax is much cheaper for most people than low-grade Obamacare, but you may not have to pay even that.  Obamacare’s czar is offering “hardship exemptions” from the penalty, and you may be surprised at what qualifies.  Have you moved?  Had a baby? Had a change in income?  Guess what, those qualify.  Here’s the full list from our federal overlords’ website: list.

Feeling creative?  Here’s one American’s solution:

“Exemptions are what is primarily what is on my mind now. Really curious to know if you have run into anyone besides me who has successfully filed for exemption. At this point, since it worked in 2014, I am refusing to pay my water bill so I can get an exemption on my 2015 tax return.  They will probably shut it off tomorrow. I will have to pay a $60 reconnect which is far easier to take than the $795 penalty I would have to pay this year.”

Our hat’s off to this clever patriot, who saved $735.  And best of all, it’s tax-free!  (Note: you can save even more next time. You can avoid the re-connect fee next year, because all you need is the notice. You don’t have to wait for them to actually disconnect you.)

Another exemption applies for people with incomes below the tax-filing threshold.  The ever-helpful Health Grubers have a web calculator here:  link.

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