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Self-insured co.s moving sick workers to exchange – just a matter of time.
Companies: #ACA hurts their business or increases costs: GE, UPS, Dollar General, Cognizant
Landmark Va poll disrupts drumbeat on Medicaid expansion: the public does NOT support it.
GAO: White House official solicited financial help for Enroll America (#scandal goes beyond Sebelius).
KY Woman: ‘As a senior, I am furious. As a democrat, I feel deceived’. Deductible up 7-fold, no Medicare until met.
Poll: A new high of 55% disapproves of #Obamacare. Too much gov’t, too expensive, authoritarian, quality to suffer. will cost $121M to fix for next round. Huge cost overruns.
Gov’t scandal: Phoenix VA officials were ready to shred documents, higher-ups in Washington implicated.
FBI reportedly investigating botched Oregon exchange, interviewing witnesses. False demo to feds one issue.
Ave number of plans decreased from 117 in 2013 to 41 in the new exchanges; choices down to 3 or fewer in 16 states.