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Premium hikes tend to be 8-9% b/c 10% draws HHS scrutiny (politicized rates artificially low, something’s gotta give)
#ACA comparative effectiveness studies threaten to dispense w/informed consent from 100M people
GOP senators ask for enrollment data, no updates since April
New pro-#ACA study can’t rule out significant push to part-time work when employer mandate hits.
#ACA-fueled hospital consolidation driving up surgery and other healthcare costs
$8 billion #ACA tax on insurers due Sept. 30. Policyholders and taxpayers ultimately pay.
#Medicaid spending to surge 15% due to expansion. “major budget driver”
Hi-deductible is the junk insurance Obama claimed he wanted to get rid of
Upscale restaurants in L.A. add 3% #Obamacare surcharge
#ACA wasn’t supposed to hurt too bad, but there’s a new level of understanding AFTER you’ve had your tooth pulled.