Top Tweets – First, Do No Harm

There is no end to the thorny problems Obamacare has created – train wrecks great and small. Just from the week gone by:

All-too common story: the Lyles in Texas tried 20 docs, but none would take their #ACA coverage.

Illinois co-op flop leaves 49,000 facing higher costs; payments toward deductibles don’t transfer to new plan

“New Mexico insurer is dropping out of Obamacare exchange”; 10,000 can’t keep their plan

Burwell asks: ‘did you shop on the exchange?’ Kinda hard to do that with only 1 or 2 insurers left

O-admin doesn’t have a clue what to do about places that are down to one insurer on the exchange

Burwell: “On the marketplace, for most people, they can find a plan for $75 per month or less.” What a joke.

Andy Slavitt can’t come clean on state exchange grants because they are, at root, crony slush funds.

O-admin officials unable to cite legal authority for cost sharing subsidies. No, this is not OK. #RuleOfLaw

How can an agency make ‘promises’ to insurers and force Congress to cough up the money? Where does that stop?

Stay on to age 26? Mom & Dad get to know about your sex life and STDs. Some youngsters pay elsewhere.


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