Single-Payer Government-Run Medicine Unraveling in Europe

Comment: Single payer is not better.  It’s brutal, it takes your money and your choices, it puts your life in the hands of people who don’t care as much as you do, and who don’t work for you. Single-payer means rationing, single-payer means other people decide what you need, and what you get.

“In Lancet Oncology in that same year, Arduino Verdecchia published data demonstrating that American cancer patients have survival rates for all major cancers better than those in Western Europe and far better than in the U.K. ”

[...] “[England's National Health Service] … reported this month that its hospital waiting lists soared to their highest point since 2006, with 3.2 million patients waiting for treatment after diagnosis. NHS England figures for July 2013 show that 508,555 people in London alone were waiting for operations or other treatments — the highest total for at least five years.”

“Even cancer patients have to wait: According to a June report by NHS England, more than 15% of patients referred by their general practitioner for “urgent” treatment after being diagnosed with suspected cancer waited more than 62 days — two full months — to begin their first definitive treatment. ”

[...] ” Even in Sweden, often heralded as the paradigm of a successful welfare state, months-long wait times for treatment routinely available in the U.S. have been widely documented.”

“To fix the problem, the Swedish government has aggressively introduced private-market forces into health care to improve access, quality and choices.”

[...] “Swedish economist Per Bylund calculates that the average Swedish family already pays nearly $20,000 annually in taxes toward health care[...]” (emphasis added)

Where ObamaCare Is Going
By Scott W. Atlas, Aug. 13, 2014

(see also the ObamcareTruthSquad’s How Liberal Healthcare Myths Are Born)

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