Most-Transparent-Administration-Ever’s Minions Complicit in Stunning Coverup
OCTS original reporting
The day after President Obama attempted to distance himself from Obamacare mastermind Prof. Jonathon Gruber (MIT Health Care Economist), the University of Rhode Island deleted a key video in the scandal from its YouTube account.
The original video made news with its audio of the Professor describing the intentional concealment and misrepresentation of the ACA’s stealth 40% tax on employee health benefits, a massive tax on ordinary workers that phases in slowly starting in 2018:
“It’s a very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter.” –Prof. Jonathon Gruber
The professor further detailed the motivation and systematic development of now-controversial deceptions made to the public on certain aspects of the law.
The take-down was detected in real-time 11/17/2014 at 14:36 Eastern Time.
Current entry:
UPDATE: Thanks to American Commitment, a replacement copy has been posted [link].