Author Archives: OCTS4

It’s Official, Obamacare Has Doubled Premiums In Just Three Years

Comment: Data from, the nation’s largest online health insurance broker, indicate that their average non-subsidized premium has increased 99% for an individual since the “Affordable” Care Act took effect, and 140% for the average family. Remember the excuses?  Remember … Continue reading

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Nancy Pelosi’s Big Lie

“The Affordable Care Act has been successful in meeting its goals of reducing cost, increasing access and improving quality of care.” December 28, 2016, Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader,  Liar, Misleader, Dissembler.

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Obamacare Now Boasting About Targeting Young People with Substandard Policies

Comment:  Obamacare is now selling “substandard” plans to young people in New York, and it’s one of their most popular plans.  But we were told not terribly long ago that Obamacare was needed precisely to eliminate these “substandard” plans. Join … Continue reading

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An Obamacare Guide to 2016 ELECTION FRAUD

Comment: Election-integrity activist Catherine Engelbrecht explains how Obamacare — which registered 12.7 million voters last year alone based on self-attestations — has made one of the greatest mass-election frauds in human history possible IN THIS 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT … Continue reading

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REBELLION–Over Half of Physicians Won’t Take New Obamacare Patients

Comment: Patients aren’t the only ones dissatisfied with national socialized medicine–podiatrists are voting with their feet! “The number of physicians who say they’re accepting health insurance plans offered on Obamacare’s federal and state marketplaces has plummeted nearly 20 percentage points, … Continue reading

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(KY, IL) Even MORE Insurers Flee Obamacare

Baptist Health Plan to halt individual insurance in Kentucky by Adam Beam, Associated Press Updated 1:05 pm, Monday, October 3, 2016 “Kentucky’s fourth-largest health insurer says it will stop selling individual plans in the state next year, prompting another round … Continue reading

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MN Paper: Time To Shutter MNSure

“It’s time for the state of Minnesota to begin the process of shuttering MNsure, the state’s health insurance exchange.” Ha ha ha ha…! “But before partisans dance with glee or revolt and rebuke,” (Ooops!) “everyone needs to realize one thing: … Continue reading

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Minnesota Exchange Crumbling: “This is a real emergency situation.”

Obamacare is sinking in the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes “The state agreed to rate increases that range from an average of 50 percent to as much as 67 percent while also instituting other, extraordinary last-minute measures, said Rothman, who added that … Continue reading

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GREAT NEWS! Minnesota 2017 Obamacare Premiums ONLY Rising 50 Percent!

“Now, I just want to repeat this because there’s so much misinformation about the cost issue here.  You talk to every health care economist out there and they will tell you that whatever ideas are — whatever ideas exist in … Continue reading

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Obamacare Is Dead, Long Live the Single-Prayer(tm) Express-to-Nowhere Train Wreck Ahead!

New York Times: Ailing Obama Health Care Act May Have to Change to Survive Comment: Now it’s official–Obamacare is a train wreck.  Twisted, rusting wreckage, full of injured people tangled in a web of dishonest government Gruberisms, caught, with their … Continue reading

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