Tag Archives: tweet

Obamacare Wipes Out Wage Gains (all the bad news about Obamacare)

Join us on Twitter: – #SinglePayer most Mondays – All the Bad News About Obamacare most Saturdays Higher Obamacare premiums wiping out wage gains. Thanks, Obamacare https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/opinions/health-care-rules-the-labor-market/2018/09/02/05d13672-ad2f-11e8-b1da-ff7faa680710_story.html?__twitter_impression=true&noredirect=on Hooray! ‘Obamacare has stabilized’ – except it hasn’t: “Rhode Island finalizes Obamacare rate … Continue reading

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More Price Hikes Coming

Join us on Twitter: – #SinglePayer most Mondays – All the Bad News About Obamacare most Saturdays More Obamacare price hikes coming – Virginia up to 64%, Maryland average 30%, rest of the country can expect the same. http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/386294-obamacare-insurers-in-virginia-propose-major-premium-hikes-for-2019 + … Continue reading

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Top Tweets – ‘Medicaid for All’? LOL!

Bend cost curve down – ha! Medicaid up 18%, overhead up 11%, overall up 5.3% http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials-obama-care/120315-783666-spending-and-overhead-costs-explode-under-obamacare.htm #CoOp flops, past proposals to cut Medicaid reimbursement rate show money from Washington is not reliable http://trib.com/opinion/columns/medicaid-expansion-is-the-opposite-of-fiscal-prudence/article_25764da3-aa71-5876-86f0-e7e954c8171d.html Senate maneuvering to gut Medicaid expansion shows … Continue reading

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Top Tweets – Real People, Real Pain

$875/mo, $7K deductible – ‘I can’t afford #Obamacare, I’m mad’. #RealLifeRealPain http://www.bostonglobe.com/news/politics/2015/11/16/high-deductible-health-plans-make-affordable-care-act-unaffordable-critics-say/eaWZZJNrFhm6vVPDBcdZ0I/story.html @ABridgeToBetter Re-Tweet Meet Family That Just Spent 1/2 Its Annual Income Paying For Obamacare http://www.againstcronycapitalism.org/2015/11/meet-the-family-that-just-spent-half-its-annual-income-paying-for-obamacare/ … #millennials #tcot  https://twitter.com/RWSalt/status/666530066063425536 NYT: “Many Say High Deductibles Make Their Health Law Insurance … Continue reading

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Top Tweets – Trainwrecks

“22 of 23 Taxpayer-Backed Obamacare Co-Ops Lost Money In 2014, Audit Finds” http://dailysignal.com/2015/07/30/22-of-23-taxpayer-backed-obamacare-co-ops-lost-money-in-2014-audit-finds/?utm_source=heritagefoundation&utm_medium=email&utm_content=07312015&utm_campaign=influencer&mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRohu6TBZKXonjHpfsX54uskUaKyi4kz2EFye%2BLIHETpodcMTcJjPL3YDBceEJhqyQJxPr3NLtQN191pRhLiDA%3D%3D New rule hurts companies for reimbursing employee healthcare costs (what sense does that make?) http://www.newsmax.com/Finance/StreetTalk/Rule-hurts-health-insurance/2015/07/24/id/658764/ Wrong Again: $57M coordinated care experiment failed; did not reduce costs and … Continue reading

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Top Tweets – Top News

EACH ONE A HAMMER BLOW FOR LIBERTY Follow us on Twitter ‘All the Bad News About Obamacare Every Day’ Hawaii exchange prepares to shut down after failing to attract enough enrollees to be self-sufficient http://insurancenewsnet.com/oarticle/2015/05/10/insurance-exchange-sets-deadlines-in-preparation-of-ending-services.html Senate subcommittee to probe if #ACA exchanges … Continue reading

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Top Tweets – Medicaid a Fiscal Disaster

EACH ONE A HAMMER BLOW FOR LIBERTY Follow us on Twitter The Senate spit on the American people this week, the Obama administration widened its bullying of the states, and several stories appeared reminding us that Medicaid expansion is a … Continue reading

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Top Tweets – Top News and Reader Favorites

EACH ONE A HAMMER BLOW FOR LIBERTY Follow us on Twitter Florida to sue feds for putting gun to its head (‘pass Medicaid expansion or no hospital funding’) http://www.politico.com/story/2015/04/florida-lawsuit-sue-obamacare-medicaid-rick-scott-117051.html Average individual mandate penalty: $1,130 http://www.forbes.com/sites/gracemarieturner/2015/04/14/average-fine-for-noncompliance-with-obamacare-is-1130-expert-testifies/?mc_cid=653e60c898&mc_eid=4fec4aa80b Restaurateur testifies premiums up 60% … Continue reading

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Top Tweets – Government as Corrupt Enabler

Follow us on Twitter Bad people are doing bad things – on your dime! It’s your money, America – Demand better! Detroit Medicaid mom tortures kids to death, sticks them in a freezer (government dough rots the soul) http://abc7news.com/news/children-found-in-freezer-were-tortured-and-beaten-say-sources/589496/  Criminal … Continue reading

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Top Tweets – Fraud and Taxes

Follow us on Twitter Back in the ‘90s, a member of the Truth Squad was giving a presentation to a group of journalists, telling them about a rooming house owner in California who killed six of her renters, buried them … Continue reading

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